Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Feeling overwhelemed & under appreciated

Sometimes my life is like an impending storm, sort of looming in the near distance. If I can manage to stay ahead of it, I do fine. But when I drop the ball, so to speak, life gets sucked up in the muck of rain, wind, debris... the storm... chaos. When that happens I tend to see not only what I didn't get done but I look around at what everyone else hasn't done which puts me into a viscous cycle of feeling overwhelmed & under appreciated. I haven't quite learned how not to get into this cycle, short of being perfect (which I am not)... I don't see a way to avoid it. So now comes the difficult lesson of learning how to transform the way I think and find appreciation in what is done,  shifting my perspective to see that this is just a ripple or two in the ocean and not a wave or tsunami  as much as I tend to make it out to be one.

I'm grateful that my husband is home from his business trip of 2 weeks (even when the house gets turned upside down), I'm grateful for the week off between classes (even though I know the classes that begin tonight will be difficult and time consuming), I'm grateful for 4 healthy children (even when they don't pick up after themselves and create more work for me), I'm grateful for my career as a nurse (even though full-time nights at a hospital 2 hours away is slowly killing me), I'm grateful for my home (even when the power bill is almost $500, ouch!), I'm grateful for paying bills, chores, errands, and needing to organize/manage 6 schedules daily because without these frustrations my life would not be so blessed.

Focus, look ahead and push forward doing the work that needs to be done.

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